Zhang Yuqing, Chairman and CEO of Rokin Logistics, attended the promotional event of "2023 Yimeng High-quality Agricultural Products Going into the Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai) · Lanling"

2023 Yimeng High-quality Agricultural Products Going into the Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai) · Lanling was held in Shanghai Pentagon Xingnong City on Sept. 11, 2023. Zhang Baoliang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Linyi Municipal Committee, Li Chunzhong, Deputy secretary and mayor of Lanling County, Liu Wen, deputy mayor of Huinan Town, Pudong New Area of Shanghai, attended the event, accompanied by Zhang Yuqing, Party Secretary of Lanling County Mobile Party members in Shanghai and Chairman and president of Rokin Logistics.


With the theme of "Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetables · Shanghai's love", this exhibition aims to let more Lanling high-quality agricultural products enter thousands of households in Shanghai, achieve complementary advantages, win-win cooperation, and help the high-quality development of agricultural products brands and advantageous characteristic industries of the two cities.


Rokin Logistics, as an enterprise that started from Lanling and developed deeply in Shanghai, will fully take the link between Yimeng region and the Yangtze River Delta, continue to play its advantages in technology, management and professionalism, and actively help "hometown taste" better enter the Yangtze River Delta and go to the whole country while continuing to grow bigger and stronger, and make due contributions to the revitalization of rural areas and agricultural transformation and development of hometown.